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Top 22 Winning Expository Essay Topics To Choose From

An expository essay is the type of assignment where you have to explain and describe a given subject in a manner that it gives relevant and necessary insight to the readers about a certain aspect of the subject. You need to show your audience that you have a good knowledge base on the given subject and are able to create a well-researched and detailed paper about it. This is more like a descriptive assignment and should not be tough to write at all.

The title of an expository essay

One thing to remember about writing such papers is that they need to have a strong topic. Your readers judge the quality of your entire assignment by looking at the title. If you are able to create a good impression on the audience through a winning title, then you would be able to hook them for reading the rest of your assignment. If you fail to do so, then the reader will not bother to continue reading the rest of your assignment.

If you are not sure how to choose a strong title for your expository essay, you can take help from the following. These are some interesting suggestions for students so that they can pick the one they like and find most relevant for their essay.

Topic ideas for an expository essay

  1. What changes would you make to the school playground if given a chance
  2. Mention your favorite animal and specify why do you find it better than others
  3. Think about the most special day of your life and explain why this was so special
  4. What is your favorite animal as a pet
  5. Describe your favorite place, give reasons for why it is your favorite
  6. Write about a family vacation that you enjoyed the most
  7. What are your biggest weaknesses
  8. What are your biggest strengths
  9. Your favorite town
  10. The best movie
  11. The worst movie
  12. The best book
  13. The worst book
  14. Favorite school
  15. Worst subject
  16. Best subject
  17. Explain three inventions you cannot live without
  18. If you could visit a planet apart from Earth, what would it be and why
  19. What was your favorite toy as a child and what do you remember most about it
  20. If given a chance to go back, what would you change in your life
  21. Best Christmas you spent
  22. What would be your favorite job and why

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